172 x 248 x 10mm
Although Trinity House has, since Elizabethan times, been the general lighthouse authority for England and Wales, the Channel Islands and Gibraltar, Liverpool's lighthouses were built and administered by the Mersey Docks yHarbour Board (MDHB) and its predecessor, the Dock Trust. They were operational, as manned lighthouses, from about the mid-eighteenth to the early twentieth century.
This is the first history of the various Mersey lighthouses - and the men and women who kept the lights - from Loverpool itself to Moelfre Bay in Anglesey - including historic life-saving lighthouses such as those as Leasowe, New Brighton and Point Lynas amongst others.
Lighting the way into the Mersey for the thousands of ships that enter the river, the lighthouses of Liverpool Bay saved many a vessel from running aground.