Trey Ratcliff works in HDR (High-dynamic-range) photography and is one of the leading practitioners in the world. Armed with a camera and a tripod, he traipses across countries and ventures into some of its least populated corners. Harnessing an impeccable grasp on the aesthetic with an unmatched mastery of the technical, he converts into pixels a spectacular anthology of natural as well as manmade landscapes gleaned from different parts of the planet. Returning from every excursion with a stock of RAW images, he then initiates the post-processing where photo-editing programmes assist him in recreating the scene he saw when he first raised his camera. Algorithms, tweaked and modified according to the photographer's specifications, are deployed to bring his memories, his experiences, his visions back to life. Every joule of effort exerted between the click of the shutter to the click of the mouse is funnelled into the crafting of images that offer a palpable yet timeless impression of the world around us. Within the four edges of the frame, he sets out to build a perceptual theatre mystery occasionally interrupts clarity, brightness is always balanced by darkness, sharp details intersperse areas of softness. Pockets of riddles are embedded within the composition, inviting the viewer to a dance between intelligibility and a considered lack thereof. Jolting our sensorial faculties at every turn, Ratcliff journeys through our retinas and whets a most fundamental appetite within us to see our dwelling place in its infinite faces. AUTHOR: Trey Ratcliff (born July 7, 1971) is a photographer, artist, public speaker and writer. He posts a new photo each day on his travel blog of the destinations and situations he finds himself in as he travels the world. His work has been featured on the BBC, ABC, FOX, CBS, and NBC. SELLING POINTS: ? Trey Ratcliff's blog has over 5 million regular visitors ? First publication to consider Trey's imagery on an academic level and to critically examine the vast innovativeness in Trey's enterprise: the merging of art, technology and social media ? Extensive interviews offering much insight into Trey's working processes and creative philosophies; also anecdotes about his travels and his quests to capture the perfect picture ? Lyrical musings on a selection of Trey's favourite photos, written by Trey himself
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