Is it possible for JavaScript programmers to learn Apple's iOS 4 SDK and live to tell the tale? Technology
guru Danny Goodman did, and with this book he leaves a well-marked trail for you to follow. An authority on
JavaScript since its inception, Goodman understands the challenges you might face in creating native iOS apps
with this SDK, and introduces Xcode, Objective-C, and Cocoa Touch in a context you'll readily understand. Why
bother with the SDK when you can simply build web apps for Apple's iOS devices? Web apps can't access an
iPhone's music library, camera, or iOS system software for maps, audio, and more. Nor can you sell web apps in
the App Store. If you want to take full advantage of the iPhone and iPad, iOS 4 SDK is your tool - and this is
your book. Includes full coverage of iOS SDK 4.2.