Two master wheel makers demonstrate how to keep various spinning wheels in good working order.|
Between the two of them, Alden Amos and Cindy Lair have more than 50 years experience making spinning wheels. Amos makes them one by one, by hand; Lair makes them in production runs using sophisticated machines. For both makers, quality is paramount. And for both, helping their customers get the most from their wheels is a substantial part of their work.
In this DVD, you'll hear each maker expound on the wheel function and maintenance problems they most often encounter, and you'll learn their special tricks for dealing with them. Looking at a wide range of wheels, you'll learn how to deal with:
That annoying clunking sound
The bobbin that sometimes jams
The drive band that keeps slipping off
The drive band that needs replacement ? more often than you might think
The copious lubrication needs of your wheel
And so much more.
Best of all, you'll learn to feel at ease with your wheel as a productive machine. You'll gain the confidence to tackle problems, wield tools, and forge a long and happy relationship with your wheel.