Knit an Estonian Lace Shawl from Beginning to End with Expert Nancy Bush.|The distinctive and elegant designs of Nancy Bush's Knitted Lace of Estonia are brought to life as Nancy offers valuable and unique techniques for making traditional and modern Estonian lace scarves and shawls. After a detailed discussion of the characteristics of the exquisite handknits , Nancy guides you in knitting a lace scarf with three edges: two traditional ones with garter border and sewn-on edge and a modern one with a picked-up edge. You'll cherish these for years to come. With Knitted Lace of Estonia with Nancy Bush, you'll learn:
? How to get started with the proper tools, cast-on methods, and information on the various shawl types and shaping
? How to read a lace chart and work your lace pattern, with tips for calculating your shawl's centre and edgings
? Various Estonian lace knitting techniques including the classic "" nupp,"" a simple bobble technique seen throughout Estonian lace
? How to plan an edging and finish your project with ease, including tips on blocking your shawl to make it look its best
?And more!
Nancy's demonstrations include tips and advice to making Estonian shawl knitting successful. Her knowledge of and passion for Estonian lace knitting makes this complex art irresistible to adventurous knitters.