Featuring stories by: Shannon K. Butcher * Rachel Caine * Lucienne Diver * Chris Marie Green * Christina Henry * Faith Hunter * Chloe Neill * Kalayna Price * Rob Thurman.
New York Times bestselling author Rachel Caine has modern-day witches Holly and Andrew facing off against a firebrand politician who wears literally killer boots in a Texas-sized rodeo of trouble.
Boot-loving Cadogan vampire Lindsey must team up with off-again, on-again vampire partner Luc when a woman from her past is targeted by supernaturals in New York Times bestselling author Chloe Neill's all-new adventure.
And New York Times bestselling author Rob Thurman features Trixa Iktomi from her Trickster series dealing with magical vengeance and magical footwear.
Taking kick-ass urban fantasy literally, USA Today bestselling authors Faith Hunter and Kalayna Price bring together the best of the genre to once again prove that when you're fighting supernatural forces, it helps to keep your feet on the ground.