A young Spanish photographer explores the delicate boundaries between his subjects and their environments. This retrospective body of work gathers a varied sampling from Spanish photographer Jorge Fuembuena (born 1979), whose portraits and landscapes explore themes such as death, innocence, the passage of time and the divine, and contain echoes of surrealism, cinema and the plastic arts. ?E´le´gies? is a retrospective body of work which brings together a varied sample of the career of the artist Jorge Fuembuena, winner of the X edition of the Pilar Citoler International Prize for Contemporary Photography. The exhibition and its catalogue are both planned as an experience, a visual game that the artist and curator Alejandro Castellote have been working on for some time. The passage of time, death, innocence, the divine? there are many themes that intertwine in this body of work displayed and published by the University of Co´rdoba and Editorial RM. 248 images