Jasper Krabbé - 100 Zelfportretten Selfportraitsincludes an impressive number of self-portraits made in the period between the summer 2004 and the summer of 2005. The book's format has been determined by the measurements of an old bookkeeping book in which Krabbé made his self-portraits ? one dating from the nineteen fifties with squared and blank pages. Even the paint he uses is from the same period. Thus the materials are from the last century, which corresponds with the idea that the self-portrait is a typical nineteenth-century activity. Krabbé wanted to explore what the self-portrait can still be in today's age. He wanted to gauge changing emotions, capture a moment and find the right tone. The selection in the book shows the diversity of solutions and styles he used. The self-portraits reveal there is no such thing as a fixed identity, but rather a ?core', a soul that is unchangeable.