1 CD-ROM with book
Fifth Edition
This re-engineered atlas is an in-depth resource to support and inspire Australia's geography community. It is supported by a mapping skills CD-ROM, free with every atlas, and a dedicated web site. Features of the atlas include:
- mapping detail and clarity pioneered by Jacaranda
- extensive coverage of Australia and the world including many new regional maps
- reference section containing core geography information linked to case studies
- more than 50 case studies from Australia and around the world
- breathtaking satellite images, aerial photographs, block diagrams, graphs and text
- new 3-D diagrams using the latest terrain-modelling software.
The CD-ROM features include:
- 12 interactive modules covering key mapping skills
- animated diagrams, illustrations and maps to explain each skill
- skill-builder exercises to consolidate skill development
- self-testing exercises linked to the atlas.