162 x 243 x 27mm
In 1986 journalist John McCarthy was taken hostage in Beirut. During his five years in captivity he had very little reading material. But the one book he did have was the Bible, which he read from cover to cover - twice. He was particularly intrigued by the stories of the Old Testament, as they seemed to tell the history of the land and its ownership, of how the Children of Israel came to the Promised Land of Canaan and made it their own.
But how much of this "history" is actually true? Did the walls of Jericho really tumble at the sound of Joshua's trumpets? Was David the mighty king of Israel? Did Solomon build a temple at Jerusalem? In an effort to answer such questions - questions which underpin the very life of the Middle East - John McCarthy returned to the Holy Land with his Bible in hand. He visited sites associated with the great Biblical stories and spoke to the archaeologists and the historians who are uncovering the truth of the Biblical past.
It was a voyage of discovery and surprise, a journey in the archaeology of a historically troubled land. This book encapsulates the evidence, examines the arguments and, like the television series it accompanies and which John McCarthy presents, offers fresh, sometimes shocking but always challenging perspectives on the Bible and its history.