China is the New World Power and She Wants to Prove it.
It's not long from now but the world is very different . . .
When the Chinese dragon woke from her thousand-year sleep to bend Southeast Asia ruthlessly to her will, it was only the culmination of every half-decent intelligence analyst's prediction. Thus the complacent Western powers turned a blind eye to this rampant expansionism, and defence spending continued to dwindle all over the free world.
Only when the Middle East was swiftly conquered by the resurgent Chinese forces, Israel brutally put-down and Tel Aviv razed by nuclear power, did America and her allies realise the true dangers of their isolationist stance. But, it was too late . . . A combined European fleet was swiftly cornered and annihilated by the massed, Chinese super-carriers in the straits of Gibraltar leaving a besieged Europe.
Now a dazed United States of America sits and waits for the next move . . .
Invasion . . .