The brand new Step by Step Shanghai is a stylish, full-colour travel guide that helps you discover the best of this mesmerising city through a selection of walks and tours, encompassing all of the must-see sights and complemented by beautiful photography, an authoritative narrative voice and a wealth of practical information. It features:
Recommended Tours, suggesting the book's best tours whatever your interests - the city's distinctive neighbourhoods, rich history, dramatic views and exciting nightlife.
An Overview, offering Insight's trademark focus on history and culture: Shanghai's inhabitants, geography and architecture, plus the lowdown on food, drink, shopping, sports, entertainment and local traditions.
15 Walks and Tours, each with clear, easy-to-follow maps and hand-picked places to eat and drink en route. This tempting selection of self-guided explorations takes you from the riverside Bund and futuristic Pudong to the leafy former French Concession and further afield, with excursions to the picturesque cities of Suzhou and Hangzhou.
A Directory incorporates a user-friendly, fact-packed A to Z of practical information, plus our select hotel, restaurant and nightlife listings direct you to the city's most authentic venues, full of local flavour