Indian head massage is a wonderfully realxing therapy that involves massage of the upper back, shoulders, neck, head and face. The massage is safe, simple to learn and effective. It can provide relief from aches and pains and stress symptoms, promote hair growth, soothe, comfort and rebalance your skin and give you a deep sense of calmness and tranquility.
Indian head massage, or Champissage (champi is an original Indian word meaning head massage) is based on the ancient Ayurvedic healing system. It has been practised in India for over a thousand years, originally by women who used the technique to keep their hair thick, healthy and in beautiful condition. The massage stimulates the circulation of the scalp which nourishes the hair roots. A special oil, generally an Ayurvedic preparation containing five herbs, may be used to improve the texture of the hair.
This book looks at the history of Champissage, introduces you to the power and importance of touch, and takes you step by step through the basic methods of Indian head massage. Each step is fully illustrated and there are clear instructions for different massage techniques for the upper back, shoulders, neck, head and face — all of which you can practise on yourself, or with a partner.
Learn how a simple circular temple rub can release your tension headache, how to'iron down' into a stae of total rrelaxation, and how to send a tingle down your lover's spine with a sensual ear massage.