210 x 297 x 13mm
Develop your own style as you learn about and practise the principles of drawing comics, graphic novels and manga with this fun and interactive guide.
Written by renowned comics artist Ilya, this is an informal guide to creating comics with captions, speech balloons and sound effects bursting out of every page.
With step-by-step examples, panels for you to complete and space for you to experiment in, this is the perfect way to learn as you find your own style.
Ilya looks at the different styles and genres of comics, focusing on the basics of drawing faces, figures and motion as he progresses to more complex drawings. Learn about using colour, how to use comic timing in cartoons, the importance of cliffhangers and suspense, and how to make your comic an interactive experience.
Full of useful tips, advice and working examples with space for you to practise and experiment, this is the perfect guide for beginners and more experienced comic artists of all ages.