Being sexy isn't just about having good sex - it's about getting in touch with that most capable, confident, beautiful goddess lurking inside of you. It's about always feeling ready to take on a new challenge; it's about strutting down the street proudly whether you're wearing battered sneakers or high heels; it's about always feeling smart, gorgeous, confident and hip as hell.
'How To Be A Sex Goddess' details in sexy, candid prose the secrets to conquering your relationships with your co-workers, your friends, your partner, and - most importantly - yourself.
This book is packed with everything you need to know to unleash the sex goddess inside of you. You will learn how to ask your boss for a raise, how to express your needs to your partner (sexual and otherwise), how to make your home a sensual and cozy haven and how to boost your confidence and sex appeal.
Various experts will come along for the ride, offering helpful hints like how to maximise your relationships in the workplace, your personal and domestic life, and - of course - in the bedroom. From start to finish, this book will not only change the way others see you, it will change the way you see yourself. Guaranteed to change your life.