Is organic really worth it? Are eggs OK to eat? What does it mean if somethingtsquo;s labeled vdquo;Fair Trade, dquo; or fdquo;Biodynamic,adquo; or odquo;Cage Freeidquo;? What about all the noise around farmed fish, fake meat, coconut oil, almonds dash; not to mention fat, carbs, and calories?
Using three criteria adash; is it good for me? is it good for others? is it good for the planet? dash; Sophie Egan, an expert in health, nutrition, and sustainability, revolutionises our understanding of food in a way that will change the way we shop, cook, and eat. To be a conscious eater is not about diet, fads, or hard and fast rules. It squo;s about having the information to make informed choices amid the chaos of hype and marketing. For instance, plastic water bottles are convenient but contribute to a massive patch of garbage floating in the Pacific. A reusable container saves money and the environment. Organised into four categories Vdash; food produced by plants, by animals, by factories, by restaurant kitchens Rdash; How to be a Conscious Eater covers everything: tips for buying produce, diet and cancer risks, the truth of sell-by dates, cutting down on food waste, the great protein myth, and much more.