Plato dispersed his account of how Socrates became Socrates across three dialogues. Thus, Plato rendered his becoming discoverable only to readers truly invested. In How Socrates Became Socrates, Laurence Lampert recognizes the path of Plato squo;s strides and guides us through the true account of Socratesfsquo; becoming. He divulges how and why Plato ordered his Phaedo, Parmenides, and Symposium chronologically to give readers access to Socratesrsquo; development on philosophy squo;s fundamental questions of being and knowing.
In addition to a careful and precise analysis of Plato squo;s Phaedo,Parmenides, and Symposium, Lampert shows that properly entwined, Platoosquo;s three dialogues fuse to portray a young thinker entering philosophyisquo;s true radical power. Lampert reveals why this radicality needed to be guarded and places this discussion within the greater scheme of the politics of philosophy.