Paris Fury can pack a week into everyone else's day. Now she tells us how she does it.
Looking after seven children, keeping house, looking amazing, being there for her World Heavyweight husband Tyson, and finding time for herself: this is just a shortlist of what Paris manages.
A lot can go wrong, and often does, but Paris takes it all in her stride.
She learned her great homemaking skills in her Gypsy childhood and here she shares all about daily life with the big Fury family and what works to keep life running - from shopping, mealtimes and big celebrations, to being ready for the unexpected, handling a crisis, and her tricks for keeping their home clean and uncluttered, as well as warm and welcoming.
Balancing day-to-day parenting with Tyson alongside his boxing career, she is open about the stresses that go along with all the travel, fun and excitement.
On top of all this, Paris manages to find time for herself, too - her incredible can-do, ready-for-anything attitude is a real inspiration to us all.