150 x 212 x 28mm
Don't know your isosceles from your equilateral? Forgotten what actually happened in 1066? Do you know when you've left a participle hanging? And are you left slack-jawed when your children ask you what 'quid pro quo' means?
Bewildered already? Fret no longer.
Homework for Grown-ups is a brilliantly informative and entertaining book of old-school knowledge for adults. It swots up on mathematics (covering algebra, Pythagoras' theorem, prime numbers and the Fibonacci sequence), English grammar and literature (do you know how to read a poem?), chemistry and the sciences (including the Big Bang theory), geography (can you name the planets in order?), history (how to remember the kings and queens of Britain, plus the Romans and the Magna Carta), art, Latin, modern languages, PE, home economics, and much more.
Homework for Grown-ups is packed with essential facts, figures and theories, along with fun but challenging test papers to keep you on your toes and reignite those dormant brain-cells. A practical and wonderfully nostalgic revision guide for adults, Homework for Grown-ups will entertain while exercising the mind - and might even equip parents to handle their child's homework without humiliation.