Hercules wants to be famous forever and the only way to do that is to complete the tasks the King sets him. The tasks won't be easy; in fact, Hercules will have to face some of the most terrifying and dangerous creatures that live on earth o and in hell! Join Hercules as he wrestles a man-eating lion, tricks the god Atlas, and tries to kidnap Hades' ferocious guard dog.
Bloomsbury High Low books encourage and support reading practice by providing gripping, age-appropriate and illustrated stories for struggling and reluctant readers, those with dyslexia, or those with English as an additional language. Printed on tinted paper with a dyslexia friendly font, Hercules is aimed at readers aged 9+ and has a manageable length (96 pages) and reading age (7+).
Produced in association with reading experts at Catch Up, a charity which aims to address underachievement caused by literacy and numeracy difficulties.