Aware that her own untimely death looms close, would -be clairvoyant/witch Lucinda Drakewyck struggles to learn the secrets of the crystal dove, a talisman which can show her the future and help her alter her destiny. The dove has already revealed bits and pieces of the circumstances surrounding her death, including fire, smoke and a man called Lancelot."
Richard Clairmont, a captain in her Majesty's Eleventh Hussars, is the "Lancelot" for which Lucinda awaits. Unable to forgive himself for his friends death during the war Richard buys an estate near Lucinda's and becomes a recluse in order to escape reminders of the war. They meet but the interference of another witch, Faye, complicates their love affair. Faye battles Lucinda for the dove with Richard caught in the middle. Someone must make the ultimate sacrifice to prevent the dove from falling into the hands of evil.