Vermont is rich with ghost stories and legends including tales of frozen citizens, ghost ships, weird creatures lurking in the forests, and strange organ sounds emanating from beyond. From Brattleboro to Burlington and beyond, there is more than just everyday roaming ghosts. Read about unique wanderers from the other side as they send a chill up your spine and make your hair stand on end. Or perhaps you will want to visit the Green Mountain State in search of why so many have remained in this beautiful yet mysterious region so long after their mortal tenure on earth. Turn-by-turn directions will take you right to the haunted location. Either way, you will enjoy the journey through Haunted Vermont?whether in person or just from your favorite armchair. AUTHOR: Thomas D'Agostino has been a paranormal investigator for over 28 years, investigating over 1,000 cases. Arlene Nicholson is a professional photographer and has helped groups in discerning what is paranormal and what is not on film.