New Odyssey - A Guide to Ancient Greece is a journey in the footsteps of Odysseus, tracking ancient Greek civilization at its height.
Here is a most attractive book for anyone, from the complete classical ignoramus to the amateur classicist, and of course above all the intelligent traveler. Eminent journalist Harry Mount follows in the footsteps of Odysseus, tracking ancient Greek civilization and exploring the historic, literary and artistic aspects of Ancient Greece in easygoing asides. Architecture, art, sculpture, economics, mathematics, science, metaphysics, comedy, tragedy, drama and epic poetry were all devised and perfected by the Greeks. Of the four classical orders of architecture, three were invented by the Greeks and the fourth, the only one the Romans could come up with, was a lazy combination of two of the Greek ones.
The powerful ghost of ancient Greece still lingers on in the popular mind as the first great civilization and one of the most influential in the creation of modern thought. It is the starting block of Western European civilization.
No one else has thought of Odysseus's route as a way of telling the story of Ancient Greece. This book is written in the same attractive easy-going style of Mount's bestseller Amo Amas Amat and All That.