MASTER GED CANADIAN SOCIAL STUDIES AND GET YOUR HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY DIPLOMA!GED Canadian Social Studies - with practice tests on CDREA helps you get ready for the GED Canadian Social Studies test with these exclusive features: - Detailed review of GED Canadian Social Studies exam topics - Diagnostic pre-test that pinpoints your GED Canadian Social Studies strengths and weaknesses - Post-test that evaluates your progress as your GED studies proceed - Practice test based on actual GED Canadian Social Studies questions - Each GED Canadian Social Studies practice exam question is answered with easy-to-follow, easy-to-grasp explanations - 2 of the book's 3 GED Canadian Social Studies practice tests are on CD! The practice tests are timed and scored automatically and include detailed on-screen answer explanations for every question - Comprehensive GED Canadian Social Studies glossary for speedy look-up of important information - Proven GED test-taking strategies and powerhouse drills