8 Steps to Achieve and Maintain Your Ideal Weight.
A practical and powerful guide to releasing excess weight, gaining peace of mind, and becoming all that you truly want to be.
This book is about having, gaining and accepting what you want from life instead of losing, giving up, or getting rid of what you don't want. It is not about dieting, exercise plans or rigid weight loss programs of any sort. You won't be asked to take pills or vitamins, eat certain foods and give up others, weigh your food, or even weigh yourself. You'll learn why these actions don't work and what to do instead.
- How to create and maintain your ideal weight without dieting, without pills, without pain.
- Why your motivation often fades away - and what to do about it.
- What type of beliefs, thoughts, and feelings keep you from losing weight permanently.
- How to use your willpower the right way and reap the rewards of a slender, healthy body.