The new edition of The Art of Cookery re-proposes the recipes of the Florentine culinary tradition, enhancing their simplicity, capturing their modern aspects, veering some of them towards an accuracy in the procedures to ensure that those who try the recipes ? and then those who are lucky enough to taste them ? will discover the presence and taste of each individual ingredient. All organised within the time frames of today's schedules. We should not be scandalised if the procedures cemented in the historical memory of domestic walls are made faster through the use of the appliances now routinely used in the kitchen. So bring on the pressure cookers, mixers, blenders and immersion robots if they can help to free up a bit of time and a bit of happy effort in favour of imagination and creativity. Cooking with passion is a game that continually puts us to the test, with results that only our guests can judge. AUTHOR: Sandra Rosi has lived in Florence her whole life. She has written several children's books and edited numerous publications. Florence - The Art of Cookery is the result of her passion for food, her expertise in the field and her desire to share her knowledge. She participates daily in the tradition of good food, whether with her family of three children or with friends. 77 colour illustrations