130 x 197 x 39mm
There were no fewer than six brothers and sisters in Nina Eberhardt's family when she was a little girl, but only one of whom anyone had heard: the autistic Randall. Attractive, inscrutable and strangely gifted, his plight was the talk of Harper Avenue, New York; his siblings crept about in the shadow of his tragedy.
Now Nina is a grown up woman, making her own way in a world which seems a lot larger than it did before, yet it could never be big enough for her to escape her childhood. All around her siblings are asserting egos long repressed, embarking on personal odysseys long postponed thanks to the presence of that emotional black hole at the heart of their family. But true freedom is hard to find: can they ever hope to leave the tensions and turmoils of the past behind? Will they ever be more than bit players in Randall's drama?