Australian businesses are at a crossroads. The economy is stalling. Old models of growth are becoming less relevant. If we are to succeed in the current economic climate we need to rethink our approach to team and talent development and find more effective ways to attract, retain ileverage independent thinkers. But our ability to think and act differently is hindered by an unconscious
and pervasive view that creativity still belongs in the band room and not the boardroom.Most books on creativity fail to demonstrate how fundamental creativity is for business growth. Nor do they outline the urgency with which all of us
should be pursuing our own creative sensibilities given the accelerated and pervasive impact of digital technology. This book spotlights that original thinking is the source of our competitive advantage and driver of sustainable success. It is about Creative Leadership and the courage to seek, nurture and liberate original thinking. It makes Creativity an accessible and essential skill for all people to develop regardless of role, title or department.