Eureka - an innovative series for students that fully integrates core science, clinical medicine and surgery. With its engaging and authoritative text, featuring insightful clinical cases, graphic narratives, SBAs and a wealth of other learning tools, Eureka has everything students need to succeed in medicine and pass their exams.
Series features across titles:
Engaging clinical cases show how skilled clinician would work through a presentation, and put diseases and biomedical principles into patient context
Innovative graphic narratives bring clinical cases to life, show how to approach difficult scenarios and convey the experience of being a patient
Starter questions - stimulating answers to intriguing questions make learning fun
Boxes highlight tips, tricks and key learning points
Neurology & Neurosurgery
First principles chapter clearly explains the key concepts, processes and structures of the nervous system
Clinical essentials chapter provides an overview of the symptoms and signs of neurological disease, relevant history and examination techniques, investigations and management options
Disease-based chapters give concise descriptions of all major disorders, e.g. headache and pain syndromes, stroke and dementia, each chapter introduced by engaging clinical cases that feature unique graphic narratives
Emergencies chapter covers the principles of immediate care in situations such as severe headache, trauma and unconsciousness
Integrated care chapter discusses strategies for the management of chronic conditions across primary and other care settings
Self-Assessment - 80 multiple choice questions in clinical SBA format, in line with current exam format