An Illustrated Guide to Identification.
Australia's bush and cities alike are dominated by eucalypts, in habitats as diverse as desert dunes and snowy mountain tops. Their uses are as varied: from commercial harvesting for essential oil, timber or fibre, to species with spectacular flowers that are prized by gardeners as ornamental trees.
Many of these species may superficially look alike. It is not possible to identify eucalypts from their leaves alone, but with a few simple aids to identification most can be tracked down. This easy-to-use book guides you through the key features that will lead to the correct species name: type of bark, appearance of buds, flowers and fruit - the gumnuts - and arrangement of bud clusters.
Brooker and Kleinig cover 200 of the most common species of eucalypts, from all over Australia. Each is described fully, with clear photographs and a distribution map. The book is a practical and indispensable handbook for anyone interested in Australian trees: gardeners, botanists, bush walkers, foresters and students alike.