163 x 245 x 28mm
"Not only timely but profoundly important and a must-read."—Jackie Jones, Professor of Feminist Legal studies, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
The World Bank's enormous global project entitled Women, Business and the Law is the basis for many of the amazing findings presented in this startling volume. A systematic survey of 173 countries around the world was undertaken, and each economy was evaluated in terms of the answers to 47 questions concerning the rights of women in that locale. Typical examples of the 47 questions include: Can a woman, whether married or single, apply for a passport in the same way as a man? Can she travel outside the country? Can she sign a contract? Are there criminal sanctions for sexual harassment? There are 40 other equally pertinent questions asked.
Astonishingly, the survey revealed a direct correlation between how many freedoms women enjoyed and how much prosperity was enjoyed by that particular country. This priceless and pioneering book proves irrefutably, once and for all, that freedom for women equals prosperity for all.