It is an art to take a flat price of material and make it into a convex shape to fit the body.
This book is a guide to help all age groups learn to sew and understand step-by-step instructions. If the samples are sewn in the order they are presented in the book and practised until they are fully understood, by the time the reader has worked through the book they should be able to make the garments shown in the photographs. The instructions are straightforward with easy steps to draft the patterns.
The first part of the book is a real "what you need" and "how to do it". It covers basic requirements for all beginning sewers and for anyone needing revision in their basic sewing techniques.
The second part of the book contains patterns which the reader should be able to complete after following the sewing instructions of the first part. Colour photographs of the completed garments accompany each pattern. All patterns are provided to scale.