Fourth Edition, updated and revised.
Every person's guide to prescription and medicines, street drugs, vaccines, vitamins and minerals . . .
'The Australian Drug Guide' is the first ever complete reference to drugs that's been written in plain English.
Inside you'll quickly find the answers to all your questions concerning medicines prescribed for your children, your parents or yourself.
Furthermore, you'll also be able to locate the same information about over-the-counter medicines, street drugs, vaccines, vitamins and minerals.
Obviously 'The Australian Drug Guide' will be helpful to those involved directly or indirectly with health care.
But just as importantly, it's a book that's been written for all Australians.
All drugs are fully indexed, so you can locate any drug easily and fast, either by the brand name you are familiar with, or by the chemical name.
Every drug profile includes:
- Chemical name (and how to pronounce it) - Drug class to which it belongs - All brand names - Whether a prescription is required - If the drug is subsidized by the Government - What is it for? - How does it work? - When you shouldn't take it - Special precautions - Dosages and strengths - How to take the drug? - Major and minor side-effects - Possible long-term side-effects and complications.
The information contained in 'The Australian Drug Guide' aims to assist you and your doctor or pharmacist achieve the best possible outcome to treatment, one that is both safe and effective. It complements the personal medical care given by your physician, for which there is no substitute. 'The Australian Drug Guide' also tells you what to do in an emergency, with simple diagrams and directions for basic life support, and contact telephone numbers in each State and Territory.