Dogs at War is a fascinating collection of real-life tales of canines during combat. In military conflicts around the world, these unsung heroes have proved themselves time and again, and many have won decorations for their acts of bravery. From dragging wounded soldiers to safety, to detecting a trip wire as thin as a hair and tracking the enemy back to his hideout, these dogs have played a critical role in military conflict and ultimately saved lives.
The heroes in this volume include the kamikaze attack dogs used by Russia's Red Army to destroy the invading Germans tanks; a parachuting dog who made more jumps during World War II than any man; and the American war dogs that saved as many as 10,000 lives during the Vietnam War, yet were abandoned in Vietnam when the Americans withdrew. Dogs at War is an account of canine bravery, loyalty and intelligence that is certain to appeal to all true dog lovers as well as military history enthusiasts.