129 x 219 x 15mm
The Map that Shows You More.
This is one of a new generation of information-rich travel maps that guarantees you make the most of your visit before, during and after your stay. Plan your travel in detail with the maps' route planning, history, sights, entertainment, street plans, road and rail routes, places to visit in towns and cities, wine regions, sports, index-gazetteer and survival guide.
- Fully indexed main map, comprehensive road maps and large-scale maps of areas of special interest in California
- Thematic maps of major cultural events, national parks, historic sites, and city highlights, plus tourist maps of major cities
- Guide to the top 20 star sights in each region
- Calendar of sports and events to explore through the year
- Complete index-gazetteer to every region, location and site mapped, with over 8,000 entries