Explore the history, faith, and traditions of the Jews in this stunning guide to Judaism, past and present. Fascinating works of art, historical objects, and contemporary photographs, together with a clear account of the history of the Jewish people, combine to present a dramatic 'eyewitness' view of this ancient religion.
- the cross-section of a synagogue
- the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem
- a Bar-Mitzvah ceremony
- a scribe writing the text of the Torah on parchment
- the mountaintop fortress of ancient Masada
- what life was like for immigrants arriving in New York at the beginning of the 20th century
- why every home has a Mezuzah
- why Jews were persecuted through the ages
- what the sacred books called the Tenakh, the Talmud, and the Midrash say
- how ordinary families live
- what kosher food is and which special foods are eaten on holy days