Douglas Moncrieff was a notorious pirate once known as the Dragon of Darien. With a stroke of the king's pen, he is given a Scottish earldom...and a royal order to behave. Haunted by past sins, a heartless predator by habit, Douglas suddenly faces the perilous road to reform.
Princess Rowena of Hartzburg, an innocent heiress in danger, has fled to the Scottish Highlands for a mysterious rendezvous with Douglas's respectable half-brother. When his brother fails to arrive, Douglas decides the princess is a prize he must capture for himself. A man of deep passions and a master of deception, Douglas plans to hide his shameful past from Rowena and make her his own. But plans have a way of going wrong. And this princess has a mind of her own. Not the helpless maiden Douglas expects, Rowena is a royal hellion who cannot wait to tame her dragon...
In a secluded Highlands castle, secrets are unveiled and desires unleashed. Against a backdrop of wild moorland and mountains, Douglas and Rowena join forces to fight a deadly enemy. And in the end, the pirate who has hoped to capture a princess discovers that it is not her innocence, but his own heart that is at stake.