Depression -- it's been called 'the common cold of mental illness' because so many people suffer from it every year. In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that one in twenty Americans over the age of twelve has suffered from depression. And most of these people have spouses, families, and jobs, multiplying the effects of depression until almost no family in the country is untouched by this common, but potentially deadly, illness. However, help is available for all those affected by depression, whether their own or that of a family member.
Dancing in the Dark: How to Take Care of Yourself When Someone You Love Is Depressed is brimming with tried-and-true suggestions, helpful hints, and up-to-date resources for anyone whose life is affected by the depression of another. Authors Bernadette Stankard and Amy Viets offer compassionate wisdom, reflective quotations, and practical assistance based on their personal experience of life with depressed partners. They are also qualified as educators, authors, public speakers, and women of faith: Bernadette is a Master Catechist of the Roman Catholic Church, and Amy received her degree from Wartburg Theological Seminary, in Youth and Family Ministry.