231 x 233 x 40mm
The best-selling book, Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design, and the new Inspired CSS DVD packaged at an exceptional price.
Includes over 2 1/2 hours of video instruction on the latest advances in Web design.
Covers advanced topics on Web-standards technologies, including the emerging CSS3 specification.
This book and DVD training bundle by industry-leading CSS expert Andy Clarke is offered at a great price.
This slip-covered package includes two leading-edge CSS products by industry expert Andy Clarke: In Transcending CSS: The Fine Art Of Web Design (New Riders), renowned designer and author Andy Clarke demonstrates how visual designers can create inspiring designs that use semantic markup and CSS. Using numerous worldclass designs as examples, he walks users through a new design workflow, showing them how to build successful prototypes, effective grids, and meaningful markup. Designers learn how to use XHTML, CSS, and other Web-standards technologies, including advances in new browsers and the emerging CSS3 specification. In Inspired CSS: Styling for a Beautiful Web, Andy follows up on the core principles of transcendent CSS and takes readers even further along the path to creating beautiful and accessible Web sites using minimal, semantic markup. He explains advanced topics including typography, microformats, advanced CSS selectors, layout techniques that employ floats, positioning and margins, and CSS3. Throughout the video, Andy demonstrates these concepts using examples from a fictitious Web site he created. Files are included so you can follow along.