Contains over 100,000 potential solutions, including technical terms, place names and compound expressions.
Together, in one volume, for the first time, Bloomsbury Crosswords Lists and Crossword Solver provide crossword puzzlers with the ultimate aid to successful crossword completion.
The Crossword Lists section contains more than 100,000 words and phrases, listed both alphabetically and by number of letters, under category headings. As intersecting solutions provide letters of the unanswered clue, locating the correct word or phrase becomes quick and easy. The lists are backed up with a comprehensive index which also guides the puzzler to associated tables; e.g. Film Stars; try Stage and Screen Personalities.
The Crossword Solver section contains more than 100,000 potential solutions, including plurals, comparative and superlative adjectives and inflections of verbs. The list extends to first names, place names, technical terms, compound expressions, abbreviations and euphemisms. Grouped according to number of letters (up to fifteen ), this section is easy to use and suitable for all levels of crossword puzzle. At the end a further 3,000 words are listed by category, along with an index of unusual words.