How to Win Hearts, Change Minds, and Restore America's Original Vision
Cracking the Code shows how. It breaks down the science and technology of effective Communication - what the experts call Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) - and helps you apply it to your own efforts to build a better world. Hartmann shows you, tells you, and hands you the tools to become conscious about how people think, sort, understand the world, and how you communicate with others. Throughout the book, Hartmann shares exercises and steps you can practice to master this technology, and he shows how hypnotic language actually "installs" learning without requiring practice. As you read deeply into this book, you'll find yourself seeing things you hadn't realized were there - in everything from advertising to political rants, seizing the power to be an agent of change in your own life and in the world, and discovering resources and personal abilities you didn't even realize you didn't know you have but now you know that you know. You'll become an agent of change, in the finest tradition of those brilliant communications geniuses Paine, Jefferson, and the cousins Roosevelt. And whether you're a politician, an activist, a volunteer, or a voting and concerned citizen, you'll reach into that part of the collective human psyche where we truly do have the power to create a new world.