In his groundbreaking book Cosmic Voyage, Courtney Brown revealed the existence of two extraterrestrial civilisations whose destinies are intertwined with our own. Based on unprecedented scientific evidence using Scientific Remote Viewing (SRV), Cosmic Explorers continues the search for extraterrestrial life, and reveals the existence of a third, previously unknown alien civilisation: a warlike race that has its own frightening agenda for our planet. Dr. Brown provides a rare glimpse into the structure and culture of this aggressive race, the Reptilians, including the nature of their hierarchy, their home world, and their covert activities. He also takes us deeper into the secret worlds of the Greys and the Martians. A comprehensive study of alien cultures, a detailed description of the methods of SRV, and a fascinating account of one man's odyssey into the unknown, Cosmic Explorers proves the dangers that lie before us - and tells us what we must do to defend and ensure our future.