150 x 226 x 38mm
CompTIA (R) Security+ SY0-601 Exam Cram, is the perfect study guide to help you pass the newly updated version of the CompTIA Security+ exam. It provides coverage and practice questions for every exam topic. Extensive prep tools include quizzes, Exam Alerts, and our essential last-minute review Cram Sheet. The powerful Pearson Test Prep practice software provides real-time practice and feedback with two complete exams.
Covers the critical information you'll need to know to score higher on your Security+ SY0-601 exam!
Assess the different types of attacks, threats, and vulnerabilities organizations face
Understand security concepts across traditional, cloud, mobile, and IoT environments
Explain and implement security controls across multiple environments
Identify, analyze, and respond to operational needs and security incidents
Understand and explain the relevance of concepts related to governance, risk, and compliance
Exclusive State-of-the-Art Web-based Test Engine with Practice Questions
Make sure you're 100% ready for the real exam!
Detailed explanations of correct and incorrect answers
Multiple test modes
Random questions and order of answers
Coverage of each current Security+ exam objective