The last word on complementary medicines and treatments, allowing you to take control of your health by telling you the pros, cons and proven efficacy of all the options.
There are many safe ways to treat your family's health problems without the use of pharmaceutical drugs. But alternative medicines can also be a minefield. Do you know all the options? Are they safe? Do they really work?
This guide allows you to treat your family's health problems safely and effectively, whether you prefer to do so in conjunction with conventional medicines, or instead of them.
There are five sections so you can use the book to look up a condition you might have; any herbs and supplements that you might have heard of or have taken already; whether your conventional and complementary medicines will work together; whether there are any alternative therapies you should consider; or any functional foods that can help.
The book is endorsed by the Complementary Medical Association (CMA), the largest professional membership body for complementary medical practitioners in the world.