Field tested by one of the most respected outdoor programs in the world, 'Collins Complete Hiking and Camping manual' is the most comprehensive available. It is broad in scope, while still focused on the essential skills and information that you need to travel safely and comfortably in any wilderness.
Any backpacker knows that space in your rucksack is limited, but on your next trip pack the only guide that you will need. Use it for:
- before you start your trip - for deciding on an itinerary, selecting equipment and figuring out what food, clothing and other supplies to pack, depending on whether you are going some where tropical or temperate.
- once you’re out in the wilderness - for choosing a campsite, setting up camp, navigating with map and compass, identifying trees and plants and preparing meals
- if something unexpected happens - for finding a lost person, seeking shelter in bad weather (like thunderstorms) and first aid for common injuries.
Scattered throughout are Tricks of the Trail - additional tips for successful wilderness camping.