Cigars are a wonderful thing and history proves it out. Having a cigar has always been the best way to stop and relax in the moment and take stock. They've been used to celebrate the birth of a child, a new job, to point up a great wine or a special after-dinner drink..but mostly, they have come to signify a camaraderie, a bond that brings people together under a shared vice. This book is a collection of stuff about cigars. Sure, there's the prerequisite information about the history, about how to choose the best stick, about what the sizes are and what the ring gauges mean...all good stuff, to be sure. You'll learn to talk the talk. But what is this thing "compendium"? The meaning in the dictionary is "A short, complete summary; an abstract or a list or collection of various items". Basically stuff you wanna know. Ultimately, the point of this book is to have, in the palm of your hand, a fun, irreverent little reference guide.