Blackline Masters for Church Booklets
This is for those people who prepare booklets for congregations attending religious ceremonies. The delicate imagery and sensitive selection of readings make this a remarkable, easy-to-use resource.
It contains:
- 80 A4-size blackline masters of covers for religious ceremonies, presented so that they can be readily reproduced by photocopying or offset printing
- numerous readings, quotations, and designs for reproduction
- a collection of texts and graphics for the inside of booklets, often with spaces provided for inserting names, dates, photographs and other details
- over 200 smaller graphics for illustrating booklets or other printed materials
- helpful cross-references to enable covers to be matched with inserts.
Ceremonies and themes presented include funerals, weddings, first eucharists, confirmations, first masses, Advent/Christmas, Lent/Easter, and other sacraments.