Discover 3 hours of pastel instruction with Wende Caporale! Attract attention from across the room with a lesson in achieving elegant pastel portrait paintings.|Discover a rare look into a master pastel artist's process!
Capture even more of your subject's character with the informative 3-hour workshop you are sure to revisit again and again.
Join top commissioned artist Wende Caporale for a foundational lesson in pastel portrait painting using time-tested methods and photographic reference.
Enrich your pieces with insight into a master's process:
Enhance skin tone with striking colour techniques including advice for value and temperature.
Achieve exquisite detail with essential tips for working in this challenging medium.
Learn to add depth and shadow without aging a youthful subject.
Blend luminous colour and build form using Wende's careful approach.
And more!
Wende shares her advice for working with children and their parents for a seamless process everyone will enjoy.
Take a personal lesson from a master?order your copy today!