A one-stop guide to children's nutrition, from newborns to teenagers, with ultra-practical advice, state-of-the-art information and realistic, accessible recipes.
Concern about our children's eating habits has never been greater - and no wonder, when 1 in 4 children in the developed world is now deemed to be overweight. But how do we get our children to eat well, whether they are fussy toddlers or older children being subjected to peer pressure? This timely book from health guru Judith Wills is the essential guide to all aspects of children's nutrition, a godsend to parents everywhere.
The first section of the book looks at nutrition through the 3 main age groups - weaning to age 5; 6-11; and 12-18 - covering the essentials of a healthy diet as well as many common problems, from tantrums at the table to dealing with pester power. The core of the book is an A-Z format, covering every possible question and concern - from A for allergies (and foods to combat them) to W for weight problems. Finally, a collection of over 100 accessible, uncomplicated recipes allows anyone to put Judith's advice into practice.