A heartwarming story set in Nepal of two resourceful sisters who bring the safety of solar-powered light to their family. AUTHOR: Teacher and writer Theresa Heine has also written 'Elephant Dance: A Journey to India' and 'Star Seeker: A Journey to Outer Space' for Barefoot Books. Theresa lives in Berlin. Judith Gueyfier is an accomplished French artist who has illustrated nearly twenty books for publishers around the world. She travels extensively to exhibit her paintings and draw inspiration for new work. SELLING POINTS: ? Nepali Culture: Provides authentic introduction to Nepali village culture. Includes map of Nepal and educational endmatter ? Environmental Science: Global issue of solar power replacing unsafe, unhealthy fossil fuel power at core of story. Includes instructions for making a solar-powered pizza oven ? Feminism: Two sisters cooperate as young entrepreneurs to help their sick baby brother Colour illustrations